TRACK SETUP Saturday May 6th
Hi Everyone
I'll keep this brief for now but welcome to the start of another great year of ATV Racing in Canterbury and as always, we kick our year off with the usual "Have A Go Day's" and our second one will be held in Waipara. A special thanks to Ian Ffitch for obtaining this land for us and also the land owners for the use, this Saturday I'm looking at getting help with track setup and it would be great if you are able to help. Details as follows
Meet at Ian Ffitch's workshop in Amberly at 12:45pm
Track set up is usually around 3-4hrs (It does depend on how big we make the track and how many pegs we bang in)
We are needing someone to bring the toilets out.
If you would like to have a go or assist in designing a track I am also keen for you to try so let me know if you would like to that. If there is anything that you can assist with please contact Ian Ffitch 021 919 935
Cheers Penny Penny Haslett Secretary CATVA 022 188 9845